EHRI Czech National Node
Top-quality research on the Holocaust is a prerequisite for informed discussion about Czech, European and world modern history and for understanding the risks and mechanisms of racism and genocide in their various forms. The European Holocaust Research Infrastructure (EHRI) connects collections and sources divided by borders and languages, promotes digital methods and supports researchers. The Czech EHRI national node is a gateway to EHRI services and community and a signpost for Holocaust research in the Czech Republic.
Research infrastructure
The EHRI Czech national node has been part of the research infrastructure LINDAT/CLARIAH-CZ supported by the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports since 2023.
EHRI is funded by the European Commission under FP7, Horizon 2020 and Horizon Europe.
Since 2018, EHRI has been on the roadmap of European research infrastructures and is currently transforming into a permanent organisation - European Research Infrastructure Consortium (ERIC). The Czech Republic supports this process through the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports and is represented in the EHRI Interim General Assembly.
Main goals and services
EHRI-CZ provides the following types of services:
- Makes EHRI data and services available, including EHRI Portal, EHRI Document Blog, EHRI Editions, EHRI Geospatial Repository, Conny Kristel Scholarship, and others.
- Creates data on sources on the history of the Holocaust in the Czech lands and uploads them to the EHRI Portal.
- Links and enhances the victim databases and methodologically supports their further development.
- Applies digital methods to the digitised sources, including automatic text and speech recognition, identification of places, historical actors, keywords, etc.
- Supports research using spatial methods and interactive maps, including the MemoMAP application.